Be the aloha (love) you want to see in the World
Our founder shares the story of helping one program and seeing what BSC can do for your program from the director's perspective.
Through private & public funding we provide specialized program assessments to help schools with a variety of tools to increase quality.
#1 way to increase quality in early childhood profession is by training our teachers. We provide in person training tailored to the needs of your staff.
As research tells us, hands on learning is the best way to learn. BSC mentors & coaches provide 1:1 time with owners, directors, and teacher to increase quality.
Thank you for thinking about Shela to speak to your organization.
In addition to research, writing, and teaching, Shela is working on my own wholehearted life. Living this work means prioritizing time with my family and friends, and creative time.
If Shela is not available for your event, we can help you find the right fit with our resource of great early childhood professional's.
Thank you again for visiting. Stay brave, a little awkward, and always kind.
Shela Mobarak, Founder
"Did you know that If a child grows up in a home with 100+ books at home, they have a 90% probability of graduating the ninth grade, compared to 30% in bookless homes?" -- Reading is Fundamental 2021
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” -Maya Angelou
Knowledge: Training can be defined as the transfer of knowledge. A trainer’s number one goal is to share new information to increase participants’ knowledge. Coaching supports participants in applying their knowledge or skills to their unique setting.
Group size: Training most often occurs in small or large groups whereas coaching is more individualized and in a one-on-one setting.
Site: In-person or online training often happens off-site at a separate facility and focuses on general topics. Coaching targets specific goals, determined by the teacher and mentor, that are tailored to and carried out in their own classroom environment.
Structure: Training is usually planned out ahead of time and is highly structured to follow an outline and accomplish learning objectives. Trainers consider what information to share, activities to include, and materials needed. A coaching session is also planned but is driven by conversations and actions related to coaching and reflective cycles.
“Coaching is releasing a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” Unknown
Knowledge: Coaching is a conversational activity that aims to support people to learn and develop, therefore enhancing their ability to achieve more of their untapped potential. This way of understanding coaching highlights how it is perfectly aligned with the purpose of educational organisations. By highlighting the "self-directed" nature of the interaction, we are distinguishing coaching from mentoring. Coaching is not about teaching--it is about creating the environment in which people can learn for themselves by connecting with their natural curiosity.
Group size: In addition to traditional coaching interactions (one-to-one conversations), we believe that there is a variety of ways in which coaching can have a positive and transformational impact in schools. These are described in detail in our Coaching Portals framework (van Nieuwerburgh & Campbell, 2015).
Structure: In addition to the traditional use of coaching, school leaders, educators and students can use coaching skills in everyday interactions, adopt a "coaching approach" or work towards the creation of coaching cultures.
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